Posted: 9 years ago
If you have a Z-Wave network and it already has a controller, then you can add in a second controller if wish.

This topic is about how to add a Aeon Labs Z-Stick as a second controller to this existing network.

Firstly you going to need the Zensys tool to set up the z-stick in to learn mode to become a secondary controller.

You can get the Zenys tool software from here: (Its actual a tool by Sigma Alliance now as they purchased Zenys)

1) Expand the rar file to local drive
2) Run ZWaveController.exe
3) Plug you Aeon Z-Stick in to a USB on you PC
4) Select Categories --> Settings, Then select Detect

It should show some thing like "USB Serial Device (ComXX): ControllerStaticLib"
5) So press the ok

You should then see all info about this Aeon Z-Stick showing on the interface
And we no need to put the Z-Stick in to learn mode
1)  Select the Z-Stick in the node panel
     This is showing in the right hand top panel called "Node"
     Should be the first one at top with the node Id of 1

2) Then click the Learn button
     Located on the panel to the right under the Controller Tab
    Its the lightning bolt icon next to the X icon

The Z-Stick is now ready to be added to existing network
So now we Put our Vera box in to Inclusion Mode.

1) Login to Vera Box (Using a vera3 for this topic)
2) Select Devices --> Add Devices --> Other Devices --> Other ZWave device
    (Remember that you may need to be with in 3m (10fft) of the vera when trying to add a new device)
3) Then press the Next button to move in to Inclusion mode

It should then detect the Z-Stick and you get to name the device in your network
I name mine "Aeon Z-Stick" and set the room that I wanted.
You will now be able to close the vera interface

So now if you look back at the Z-Wave PC controller
You will see lots of other nodes listed will be all your other devices connect.
The Z-Wave PC controller is not a very user friendly interface but you can watch the z-wave packets now if you want or use the z-stick with a another 3rd party controller software.

These were some other tools I found from Zensys

Other post that found that tried this also.